Saturday, June 2, 2007

The eternal time gap. regular blogging, concerning me is a total misnomer. I just dont feel like writing anything in. that's what i tell myself mostly... but its more about laziness than the actual dont "feel" like writing.

Why would i want to write on this page??? i've answered it in my first post, but i couldnt convince myself. :)

Okay, so between then(i.e. my last post) ......and now, Quite a bit has happened. I've turned 18, become a cynic and am exactly half way through to completing my Bachelors Degree.

And... i've immersed myself into Debates and organising things. Got myself an ugly reputation.

( previously i had no reputation to talk about). People hate me... which means i'm doing all the right things. So all in all a world of change has happened. And somehow on the inside, i'm not ALL that different.

I've changed, as in i've become a bit Rude to people to people who i dont like much. Sweeter to those i care about, and open indifference to those things i really dont give a shit about.

so, i've put the feigned Hypocrisy behind me

and as people say rather blandly... moved on to better things.

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